Keighley & Worth Valley Railway
Keighley & Worth Valley Railway is so much more than just a train ride, so if you find yourself in the Keighley area, it is certainly a day out worth making. It takes you on a 4.75 mile journey through the 6 stations of Yorkshire countryside, leaving from Keighley Station where you can enjoy a bite to eat at their lovely Restaurant Bar and Café. Ingrow West has two museums: Vintage Carriages Trust and Bahamas Locomotive Society. You can visit the Exhibition shed in Oxenhope at the end of the line, and the other stations all have their own attractions of course, such as Haworth, the famous home of the Brontë sisters. The stations you visit and the views of the beautiful countryside will leave you in awe of their industrial heritage. This impressive heritage railway is run entirely by volunteers, and has something that anyone visiting the north of England should endeavour to see.
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